Our Mission

We believe that Thriving is our universal birthright. Health should never be compromised for convenience. In today's busy world, we understand that maintaining your overall well-being can be tough. Hustle tends to hijack healthy. We're here to help simplify by creating on-the-go, life-enhancing products.

Live well. Love big. Thrive... always. We provide real humans with products, experiences, and environments that elevate life... and love.

Is a global one: humanity... elevated to a state of vital thriving vs. simply surviving.

High-octane, premium-grade fuel. Your body is an exquisite vehicle and we respect that.
How we do Quality:
Cold Pressed: We use hydraulic pressure to extract juice from our ingredients while minimizing heat and oxygen, for a nutrient-dense product with enzymatic activity intact.
Small Batch: We press all of our juices in small batches right here in Saskatoon. We don't use preservatives, additives, pasteurization, or HPP (high pressure processing).
Reusable Glass: We bottle our juices in reusable glass rather than porous plastic because it's better for you, better for the planet, and better looking. Don't you think?
High-octane, premium-grade fuel. Your body is an exquisite vehicle and we respect that.
How we do Quality:
Cold Pressed: We use hydraulic pressure to extract juice from our ingredients while minimizing heat and oxygen, for a nutrient-dense product with enzymatic activity intact.
Small Batch: We press all of our juices in small batches right here in Saskatoon. We don't use preservatives, additives, pasteurization, or HPP (high pressure processing).
Reusable Glass: We bottle our juices in reusable glass rather than porous plastic because it's better for you, better for the planet, and better looking. Don't you think?

Fast food... the real kind!
You deserve a break today. We’ve taken the heavy-lifting out of a health-focused lifestyle by creating delicious, nutrition-packed grab ‘n go options for you + your family. It’s our jam. Or should we say... our juice. High-octane, premium-grade fuel. Easy-peasy lemon (and kale and cucumber) squeezy.
You’ll feel better just by walking through our doors!
We’ve created an atmosphere that reflects how you want to feel: Light. Clean. Simple. Fresh.
Chances are you’ll have an uplifting chat, and receive some juicy guidance. Not in the mood? No worries. That’s why we deliver. Oh... and some of our best suppliers live within 100 miles of us.
